Minik run

  • 2024-07-10
  • 108 View

Minik Run is an exciting rummy golds apk and very difficult runner. Minik is a funny black ball trying to escape from his nightmares. Help him in this difficult matter. Run as fast as you can and overcome dozens of different obstacles, from ordinary walls to viscous sand. Some elements are deadly, some can slow you down, and some will not cause harm at all - you just have to figure it out and study what is feared and what is not. If you often have free time and need to occupy it with something, this hardcore runner will be a great solution. Minik is controlled by tapping on the screen. If you catch the moment and tap at the highest point of the jump, you can make a double or even triple jump. And with the collected coins you can buy new costumes.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 29.4 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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