Free download Trap Cubes 2 APK for Android

  • 2024-05-15
  • 68 View

Description of Trap Cubes 2 Mix your own trap beats with the new ButtonBass Trap Cube 2 beat mixeFortune OXr. This cube also supports multi touch, swipe and keyboard control of the samples.Automatically generate a song with the "Auto Mix" button. This will randomly generate a dynamically changing song. Let it play and the app will add and remove layers from the song as time goes on.The Random Mix button allows you to generate a quick combo. You can change the mix from 2 to 3 or 4 sample mixes.This cube features individual volume controls for each cube with a sound studder option.

Version history Trap Cubes 2 New in Trap Cube 2 Mouse trap Crisper graphics for hd screens Please rate this app

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