Free download Islamic Knowledge Test APK for Android

  • 2024-05-13
  • 113 View

Description of İslami Bilgiler Testi Note: This game has only English content and interface. A test game that contains questions about religious culture prepared about Islam. You can compete with other competitors in the overall ranking list in the vote. You can reach us by email for all your opinions and suggestions. We wish you have fun and enjoying it. Note: If you have any questions that you think are wrong, we can make the necessary corrections if you write. We would like to thank the friends who made a positive return. Please contact us by e-mail if you have any bad questions, not with negative votes. The questions are prepared by the imam hatip students, but it is possible that there are mistakes. You can send us your questions and comments via e-mail.

Version history İslami Bilgiler Testi New in com.cazgir.islamtest 3.0.2 v3.0.2 The server-induceFortune MouSed error has been fixed. v2.1.0 Some crash flaws from the Score Engine have been fixed. v2.0 Fixed the errors in the building inshaLaAllah :) v1.3 - Test question limit removed - Incorrect questions are fixed, please remove the existing application before updating the version so that you can see the correct states of the questions. Please rate this app

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