A thrilling mystery visual novel set in an eerie opera house, based on The Phantom of the Opera, with multiple endings and collectable footnotes.
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Explore a romantic yet mysterious tale set in a grand opera house with Phantom of the Opera, a thrilling visual novel-style story game brought to you by MazM. Based on the original story, this adventure game features a unique twist, dramatization, and multiple endings depending on your choices.
Immerse in the tension-filled story and experience the thrill of the opera theater through this offline text game. With footnotes and trivia, you can only collect with MazM, this game offers a vast collection of knowledge to keep you engaged. Collect footnotes while earning special gifts and achievements, and enrich your knowledge 7up 7 Down with the 102 that await.
Play chapter 1 for free and unlock the whole console-like game with just one-time payment. You can watch ads to experience the game from beginning to end, although extra episodes and illustrations require additional purchase.
MazM Studio promises to deliver more touching visual novels, adventure games, and indie games like Phantom of the Opera that offers a drama-filled storyline that is rich in historical value and perfect for those who adore romance and mysteries.